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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to Win The Toefl War

source: Gue adalah orang yang percaya, bahwa apapun yang kita cari, google punya jawabannya. Tentang toefl, gue pikir, soal-soal toefl itu punya standar tersendiri. Dan ga mungkin, i mean kemungkinannya kecil kalo kampus gue bisa membuat soal toefl dengan standar yang sama wkwk so, mereka pasti menggunakan pedoman, dan kemungkinan besar, soalnya bersumber dari itu.  Setelah mengetahui buku yang kampus gue pake, mulai menjelajahlah di dunia nan kaya informasi ini Oke tulisan ini gue buat setelah gue mengikuti les toefl yg ternyata menghabiskan waktu dan uang :( Dengan tujuan biar aman and ga mau juga gegara skor toefl, skripsi gue tertahan. Let's say, Gue bukan orang yg pinter bahasa inggris, (apalagi kalo masalah grammar) harus gue akui. gue hanya berusaha untuk tidak menjadi bodoh dengan memanfaatkan teknologi internet haha  So this is what i wanna share.. toefl exercise for your exam and gue baru berani share setelah final ...

Fake news issue and how to report it.

In my opinion about fake news issue, i quite sure that is not a big matter for us, i mean for millennial. because we have started more carefully in consuming an information from all media, right? it means already have a digital literation skill. do the research about hoax distribution through digital platform 2018 (find full article here) and one of the result said that (51.5%) half of the respondents determine to remain silent when they receive hoax. Sounds good, right? But i worry about people who older than me wkwk, for example one of my family, they were consuming information without any filter. I told them “don’t believe so easily for the information that you received in whatsapp or facebook” or if they heard some information which begins with the word “katanya” please find the source. but the reality is not. And It is not only happen in my family, i had discussed about this with my friends and they find the same problem like me. Their parents tr...